Originally released in 2010, Capcom's incredibly detailed Figure Builder Creator's Model of Fire Wyvern Rathalos makes his triumphant return! Rathalos is captured at an intense moment as he spreads his mighty wings and roars in anger. This Rathalos Capcom Figure Builder Monster Hunter captures the intricate details of the fire wyvern's spiny, armored hide, which is splashed with red and black tones. Featuring its menacing spiked, club-like tail, you'll want to add the Rathalos figure to your Monster Hunter collection.
Specifications: Painted PVC/ABS product with stand included. Approximately 210mm in height, 280 in width, 240mm in depth.
Packaged in Window Box.
Manufacturer: CAPCOM
Manufacturer | Capcom |
Series | Monster Hunter |
Character | Rathalos |